Monday 27 February 2012


Indoor Outdoor

Philip Castleton: is a Toronto-based, commercial photographer producing dynamic images for corporations, businesses, architects, interior designers, construction professionals and the hospitality sector.

Philip's images are typically used for web sites, marketing presentations, public relations initiatives, corporate communications and editorial purposes. They are featured in annual reports and seen in offices, exhibitions, newspapers, brochures and magazines

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Assignment 1

1. I don't have a camera
2. I haven't used photoshop before until this class
3. I like video games and art
4. I plan to be a video game artist and creater. So learning photoshop now can help me in the future by knowing all the basics.
5. Just learning the basics and some special effects would be good.
6. I learn better visually and working with friends.
7. I don't really have a photographer I like, but I do like portrait photography.